





  1. 苹果终结了prefs:私有方法的使用;
  2. Info.plist中准确描述授权的用途,不能含糊描述了,不要请求用不到的授权;
  3. 应用截图要符合实际;
  4. App IDs Identifiers中不要开启用不到的功能。





2.5 Performance: Software Requirements 
5.1.1 Legal: Privacy - Data Collection and Storage

Guideline 2.5.1 - Performance - Software Requirements

Your app uses the "prefs:root=" non-public URL scheme, which is a private entity. The use of non-public APIs is not permitted on the App Store because it can lead to a poor user experience should these APIs change.

Continuing to use or conceal non-public APIs in future submissions of this app may result in the termination of your Apple Developer account, as well as removal of all associated apps from the App Store.

Next Steps

To resolve this issue, please revise your app to provide the associated functionality using public APIs or remove the functionality using the "prefs:root" or "App-Prefs:root" URL scheme.

If there are no alternatives for providing the functionality your app requires, you can file an enhancement request.

Guideline 5.1.1 - Legal - Privacy - Data Collection and Storage

We noticed that your app requests the user’s consent to access their camera but does not clarify the use of this feature in the permission modal alert.

Next Steps

To resolve this issue, please revise the permission modal alert to specify why the app is requesting access to the user's camera.

The permission request alert should specify how your app will use this feature to help users understand why your app is requesting access to their personal data.


For additional information and instructions on configuring and presenting an alert, please review the Requesting Permission section of the iOS Human Interface Guidelines and the Information Property List Key Reference. You may also want to review the Technical Q&A QA1937: Resolving the Privacy-Sensitive Data App Rejection page for details on how to provide a usage description for permission request alerts.

Learn more about Protecting the User’s Privacy.

Please see attached screenshot for details.


2.3.3:说是在 iPad(9.7寸)App Sotre 中显示的截图与实际不符,因为是有iPad截图的,所以登录App Store Connect后,打开准备提交应用App 预览和屏幕快照在媒体管理中查看所有尺寸,勾选9.7英寸显示屏后面的使用12.9英寸显示屏

2.5.1:是说我用了 HealthKit ,视频中未明确显示是如何使用的,在描述的不够清晰,我的处理是更新 Info.plist 中的描述说明,删除了多余的授权请求(更新健康数据),重新录制了视频并更新了链接(审核备注中)。 然而并没有解决,伏笔!!!


2.3 Performance: Accurate Metadata
2.5 Performance: Software Requirements

Guideline 2.3.3 - Performance - Accurate Metadata

We noticed that your screenshots do not sufficiently reflect your app in use.

Specifically, your 9.7-inch iPad screenshots do not display the app in the correct device frame.

Next Steps

To resolve this issue, please revise your screenshots to ensure that they accurately reflect the app in use on the supported devices. For iPhone, you need a set of 5.5-inch display screenshots and for iPad, you need a set for 12.9-inch display. This set will be scaled appropriately down to other device sizes when viewed on the App Store in each territory.

Note that 6.5-inch display assets for iPhone Xs Max are optional, and can scale down to iPhone Xr, iPhone Xs, and iPhone X. Screenshots that include features like rounded corners or sensor housing should only be used for the 6.5-inch or 5.8-inch display.


For resources on creating great screenshots for the App Store, you may want to review the App Store Product Page information available on the Apple developer portal.

Please ensure you have made any screenshot modifications using Media Manager. You should confirm your app looks and behaves identically in all languages and on all supported devices. Learn how to use Media Manager to add custom screenshots for each display size and localization.

Guideline 2.5.1 - Performance - Software Requirements

Your app uses the HealthKit or CareKit APIs but does not indicate integration with the Health app in your app description and clearly identify the HealthKit and CareKit functionality in your app's user interface.

Next Step

 To resolve this issue, please clearly identify the HealthKit functionality in app's user interface to avoid confusion.

Specifically, the provided demo video: http://v.youku.com/xxx.html, did not showcase HealthKit functionality in app's user interface. 

Please see attached screenshots for details.


2.5:说是我用了 HealthKit 却没有相应的界面说明(指得是授权),健康的授权是 present 出一个ViewController,是像通知、相机那样。检查了代码,发现获取步数用的记步器(CMStepCounter),果断删除 HealthKit 相关代码、授权请求描述,使用新的记步器(CMPedometer iOS 8+)。这就是伏笔之一!!!


2.5 Performance: Software Requirements

Your app uses the HealthKit or CareKit APIs but does not indicate integration with the Health app in your app description and clearly identify the HealthKit and CareKit functionality in your app's user interface.

Specifically, please provide instructions to locate the HealthKit functionality within the app. 

Next Steps

To resolve this issue, please clearly identify the HealthKit functionality in app's user interface to avoid confusion.


2.5.1:这会儿有点崩溃,因 HealthKit 的问题被拒了三回,每次大同小异,在同事的帮助下看出了端倪,因为App IDs Identifiers 中开启了健康功能,关掉健康功能后,重新下载描述文件就好了。一般需要先删除描述文件,路径在~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\ Profiles


2.5 Performance: Software Requirements

Guideline 2.5.1 - Performance - Software Requirements

Thank you for your resubmission. 

Your app uses the HealthKit or CareKit APIs but does not indicate integration with the Health app in your app description and clearly identify the HealthKit and CareKit functionality in your app's user interface.

Next Steps

To resolve this issue, please clearly identify the HealthKit functionality in app's user interface to avoid confusion.